Thursday, October 10, 2013

The sudden rise of crime : Kaieteur News


Dear Editor,
The sudden rise of crime all across Guyana has been a great concern of all Guyanese citizens fearing for their lives from the hands of criminal elements and bandits. We have seen the recent execution of a Police Officer, the death of the only son of a gentleman, the brutal shooting of a pretty young lady at a bar and the long dismal list goes on.
Our police force is incompetent to deal with crime while the GDF sleeps and gets fat on taxpayers’ money. I often ask the question…What’s the purpose of the GDF in this country? They are the only soldiers who are only seen during elections every five years then they are gone into obscurity. They are not seen patrolling the city or the country. They get paid for doing nothing while crime is rampant in the country.
Our erudite police commissioner said ‘don’t press the panic button’ while innocent citizens are being killed. He goes on to say that citizens must stand up against criminals; but if a citizen should shoot a criminal that citizen will be charged for murder. I wonder what button he has to press if he has one. Our Minister of Home Affairs is now forming a SWAT team to fight crime, then the human rights and APNU will shout ‘’murder’’ for the criminals. I am beginning to realize we are living among some half-educated, backward leaders who are blind themselves to lead this nation.
We are suffering from a great moral breakdown in this country, but our political leaders put a blind eye to it. In Georgetown, criminal elements are all over the city – from all the shop corners, the bus parks as touts, the street corner selling DVDs and they even pose as customers in the banks and the Airports. From America Street going down to Demico across to the Stabroek Market, most citizens are robbed. We must first clean up the city from hooligan elements that destroy working people’s lives.
Most of our government offices have no proper security, also our banks. A few weeks ago, a Government official’s son was robbed two million dollars while sitting in his car near the Deeds Registry around the court. How in God’s name we have no security there? In my personal opinion, all the GDF soldiers should be posted to guard government buildings, banks, and patrol the entire country to protect our citizens. We won’t have need for a SWAT team. Why do we pay soildiers that just sit idly playing cards and dominoes? If they can’t protect our citizens they should all be fired.
I have travelled to several countries and I have seen some real law and order. In Suriname, thieves are caught, cars are not broken into, people are not shot and killed that easily, I don’t see iron grills on houses, they have real law and order there. Our Ministers should travel to Suriname and other countries to learn about law and order.
After twenty-one years in power the present PPP administration has failed to protect the citizens of this nation. George Orwell’s book Animal Farm and 1984 is a profound picture of what is happening in our society. We must live above racial politics and strive in unity to build this nation by protecting the rights of our citizens.
Where is justice for our hurting citizens? Our police force has failed this entire nation. Old year’s night when I came from church I discovered that thieves had cut the iron grills and invaded my house. They stole some stuff and ransacked the entire place. While I was sorting out my losses, my wife drove to the B.V police station just five minutes away from where I live. About two hours after one policeman came with my wife. He had no gun or any form of defence to combat the thieves even if they were still lurking around.
The police officer picked up some louvre windows the thieves removed, took a statement, and said the fingerprint expert would come. The next day no one came. After several calls and station visits a few police officers came four days later to take fingerprints. How ridiculous these people are. I really feel like laughing at them. I had some clues as to who broke my house, but the police never went after the thieves, and that was the end of my losses. If it was in Suriname, the police would have arrived from just one phone call with trained dogs to track the thieves and search until they were found. We have no law and order and justice in this country.
Our President is yet to address our nation about the crime situation. In effect he does nothing. Real leadership is leading others by example, but we have no example to follow from our leaders. Our leaders couldn’t care less about us, the citizens; they are only concerned about their personal political agendas and ambitions.
What have we achieved as a nation after 47 years of independence? We have achieved constant crime, murder, everyday blackouts, poor water supply or none at all, stink drains, a garbage city, tons of pot-holed roads, tons of beggars everywhere, thieves everywhere, massive domestic violence, and everyday migration, legally and illegally.
How do we deal with all this? We need a new vision and new leadership to govern this nation that is too young to die at the arrogant hands of half-educated leaders.
Rev. Gideon Cecil



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